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Sync Music 


For Sync and Licensing of Sammi Dae Music:

Master Rights: Luke Carter (100%). Contact: luke@dggmusic.com (+44 161 635 1965). Publishing Rights: Sentric Music Publishing (100%). Contact: sms@sentricmusic.com / +44 207 099 5991)

Upcoming Releases Playlist Banner

Upcoming Releases Sync Music Playlist

The upcoming releases sync music playlist on sammidae.com comprises of quality compositions designed to deliver the right music for the right Ad, TV or movie scene.

The songs featured in this playlist have been produced to provide an hopeful, reflective, bright, radiant, moving forward, inspiration, romance, heartfelt moods; to suit the appropriate scene, and have also been produced across multiple genres.

All audio files include detailed Meta Data, and are registered with PRS, BMI, ASCAP, GEMMA etc through Sentric Music Publishing Ltd.

Genres of Compositions: Singer/Songwriter, Dance, Soul, Blues, Country, Pop, R&B, Funk, Neo-Soul, Disco, Indie

The Latest 5 Songs Sync Music Playlist

The latest 5 songs music playlist on sammidae.com comprises of quality compositions designed to deliver the right music for the right Ad, TV or movie scene.

The songs featured in this playlist have been produced to provide a reflective, bright, radiant, hopeful, moving forward, inspiration, romance, heartfelt moods; to suit the appropriate scene, and have also been produced across multiple genres

All audio files include detailed Meta Data, and are registered with PRS, BMI, ASCAP, GEMMA etc through Sentric Music Publishing Ltd.

Genres of Compositions: Singer/Songwriter, Dance, Soul, Blues, Country, Pop, R&B, Funk, Neo-Soul, Disco, Indie

The Latest 5 Songs Playlist Page Banner
5 Of The Best Playlist Banner

5 Of The Best Sync Music Playlist

The 5 of the best sync music playlist on sammidae.com comprises of quality compositions designed to deliver the right music for the right Ad, TV or movie scene. The songs featured in this playlist have been produced to provide a chill, calm, joyful, hopeful, upbeat, uplifting, romance, heartfelt mood; to suit the appropriate scene, and have also been produced across multiple genres

All audio files include detailed Meta Data, and are registered with PRS, BMI, ASCAP, GEMMA etc through Sentric Music Publishing Ltd.

Genres of Compositions: Singer/Songwriter, Dance, Soul, Blues, Country, Pop, R&B, Funk, Neo-Soul, Disco, Indie

Uplifting And Feel Good Sync Music Playlist

The uplifting and feel good sync music playlist on sammidae.com comprises of one of a number of quality composition playlists designed to match and deliver the right music for the right Ad, TV or movie scene. The songs featured in this playlist have been produced to provide an upbeat, uplifting, breaking through, meet the challenge, confidence and togetherness mood; to suit appropriate scenes, and have also been produced across multiple genres.

All audio files include detailed Meta Data, and are registered with PRS, BMI, ASCAP, GEMMA etc through Sentric Music Publishing Ltd.

Genres of Compositions: Singer/Songwriter, Dance, Soul, Blues, Country, Pop, R&B, Funk, Neo-Soul, Disco, Indie

Uplifting And Feel Good Music Playlist
Temptation, Fighting Desire, On The Edge, Self Reflection Playlist

Temptation And Desire Sync Music Playlist

The temptation and desire sync music playlist on sammidae.com comprises of quality compositions designed to deliver the right music for the right Ad, TV or movie scene.

The songs featured in this playlist have been produced to match moments of temptation, giving in to desire, losing control, weakness, indulge in desires, and lapse in judgement moods; to suit the appropriate scene, and have also been produced across multiple genres.

All audio files include detailed Meta Data, and are registered with PRS, BMI, ASCAP, GEMMA etc through Sentric Music Publishing Ltd.

Genres of Compositions: Singer/Songwriter, Dance, Soul, Blues, Country, Pop, R&B, Funk, Neo-Soul, Disco, Indie

Empowerment Sync Music Playlist

The empowerment sync music playlist on sammidae.com comprises of one of a number of quality composition playlists designed to deliver the right music for the right Ad, TV or movie scene.

The songs featured in this playlist have been produced to match moments of empowerment, rising up, triumphant, meeting the challenge, taking control, being a champion, and sporty moods; to suit the appropriate scene, and have also been produced across multiple genres.

All audio files include detailed Meta Data, and are registered with PRS, BMI, ASCAP, GEMMA etc through Sentric Music Publishing Ltd.

Genres of Compositions: Singer/Songwriter, Dance, Soul, Blues, Country, Pop, R&B, Funk, Neo-Soul, Disco, Indie

Empowerment Playlist
Triumphant playlist

Triumphant, Champion Sync Music Playlist

The triumphant, take control, champion sync music playlist on sammidae.com comprises of one of a number of quality composition playlists designed to deliver the right music for the right Ad, TV or movie scene.

The songs featured in this playlist have been produced to match moments of rising up, triumphant, meeting the challenge, taking control, being a champion, and sporty moods; to suit the appropriate scene, and have also been produced across multiple genres.

All audio files include detailed Meta Data, and are registered with PRS, BMI, ASCAP, GEMMA etc through Sentric Music Publishing Ltd.

Genres of Compositions: Singer/Songwriter, Dance, Soul, Blues, Country, Pop, R&B, Funk, Neo-Soul, Disco, Indie

Upbeat, Good Energy, Freedom Sync Music Playlist

The upbeat, good energy, freedom sync music playlist on sammidae.com comprises of one of a number of quality composition playlists designed to deliver the right music for the right Ad, TV or movie scene.

The songs featured in this playlist have been produced to match moments of upbeat, sporty, new day, optimistic, positive, hopeful, uplifting, rising up, and high spirited moods; to suit the appropriate scene, and have also been produced across multiple genres.

All audio files include detailed Meta Data, and are registered with PRS, BMI, ASCAP, GEMMA etc through Sentric Music Publishing Ltd.

Genres of Compositions: Singer/Songwriter, Dance, Soul, Blues, Country, Pop, R&B, Funk, Neo-Soul, Disco, Indie

Upbeat, Good Energy, Freedom Playlist
Together, Friendship, Unite Playlist

Together, Friendship, Unite Sync Music Playlist

The together, friendship, unite sync music playlist on sammidae.com comprises of one of a number of quality composition playlists designed to deliver the right music for the right Ad, TV or movie scene.

The songs featured in this playlist have been produced to match moments of togetherness, freedom, moving forward, friend/friendship, inspiration, and hope moods; to suit the appropriate scene, and have also been produced across multiple genres.

All audio files include detailed Meta Data, and are registered with PRS, BMI, ASCAP, GEMMA etc through Sentric Music Publishing Ltd.

Genres of Compositions: Singer/Songwriter, Dance, Soul, Blues, Country, Pop, R&B, Funk, Neo-Soul, Disco, Indie

Sound Production & Sync Music